Saturday’s Villa Nove Vineyard Wedding had ever reason to be the hardest we have ever photographed. It was rainy, cold, and nothing like what Kadie & Jacob had planned. But at the end of the day, this is the most emotional, special, and beautiful day I have ever been a part of. Rather than getting frustrated at the weather, Kadie & Jacob embraced the rain drops and happily snuggled under clear umbrellas. And they laughed as the sun spilled over the valley just as we began their sunset portraits. From the stunning back drop of Tennessee’s Blue Ridge Mountains, to kicking off their reception singing for their guests, and every other special detail, this day was so good.
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Rain bounces off of clear umbrellas as Kadie slips her hand into Jacob’s. Back pressed against back, their breath rises and falls in unison. Tears fall as Jacob speaks words of promise and hope and determination:
In the name of Jesus, I, Jacob, choose you, Kadie, to be my wedded wife, to serve and protect from this day forward. Kadie, I love you with the same everlasting love the Father has for us. I am so excited to love and cherish you for the rest of my life. You are the one my soul loves.
And Kadie echoes, eyes following the words she has so carefully chosen for their marriage:
Jacob, I promise to love you unconditionally and endlessly. I promise to be faithful to you and to stand by you in all things. I promise to listen to your heart. I promise to honor you and speak blessing over you. I promise to trust and believe in you. I promise you my heart and all of my love for the rest of my life. I am forever yours.
Two hours later: they are husband and wife, a new family, Kadie & Jacob Gordon.
Jacob pulls Kadie into him and for the first time all day, the sun illuminates the vineyard. She laughs. She is his and he is hers.
A little note:
Jacob and Kadie, you are married! I can’t help but wipe tears through laughter as I write this. It has been an amazing 4 years of knowing and loving you two. In so many ways, our relationships have mirrored the other. And I love that. I love that together we’ve laughed and we’ve cried, mourned and celebrated, had moments of confusion and later moments when it all made sense. And now we have had the immense honor of spending your wedding day with you. Seth and I love you, believe in you, and celebrate with you. What a good and beautiful thing your marriage is. We couldn’t be more excited for you.
Beautiful couple. Beautiful photos. Beautiful love. Always cherish each other and always remember the vows you made this day. Love you.